Morning Teas and Nature Cafes

Hey Folks, Aside from our core routines, our days varied a lot this week (as they typically do) so check out the highlights below! Tuesday On Tuesday we embraced a beautiful day and celebrated a special birthday.  After our morning circle, check-ins and sit spots, we were off for a lunch out to the wonderful …

There’s a lot of noise in silence

Hey Everyone, Our older groups this week geared up for their first field trip of the year – a paddle down the Beaver River.  Collectively, the groups paddled anywhere from the Epping put in to the Slabtown Dam.  The Fall colours were stunning and seemed to intensify as the week went on.  All groups learned …

A stir-fry and damselflies.

Hey Folks, We got up to a lot of different adventures this week, check out the recap below. Tuesday As we explored our senses by taking away sight in a few  games throughout the day, we gained a better understanding of how animals survive in the wild. We also sang our hearts out on Tuesday …

Tasty Treats and Hiking Trails

Tuesday What a hot and beautiful day we had!  After our opening circle, we dove into (or rather quietly sat into) a sensory awareness activity that got us using all our senses.  After some games and further core routines, we headed out for a lunch out a Grape Valley. Students spent the day searching for …

Catching Wind, Carving Spoons and Creating Shelter

Hey Folks! Well did we ever get hit by Winter again this week!  We dawned our creative caps and here’s our recap below: TUesday After our core routines (smudge, check-ins and sit spots) we took a deep dive into the world of shelters on Tuesday in hopes of mastering this bush craft.  We learned about …

Lean-tos, Fires and Grapevine Swings

Hey Folks, A crazy mix of weather this week to help us instill the importance of outdoor skills! Here’s the recap: Tuesday Our Tuesday group braved the weather and fully embraced their time playing, building and exploring.  And though the constant chilly rain limited our mobility a bit, it didn’t dampen our spirits.   We got …

“Sap”cicles and other sweet adventures

Happy Spring Everyone, and welcome back (or for the first time!) to Forest and Nature School.  We had a great week at Bygone Days exploring our property and reaping some of nature’s sweet benefits! All week long our main focus was Maple Syrup leaving students with first-hand experience and a better understanding of the science …

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring (and Oh, hey Winter again)

Hey Everyone, We celebrated the end of our Winter session this week in many different ways! Most days it was more of a Spring Celebration – until Friday when Winter returned! Tuesday Chickadees dove into some imaginative play around the pond upon arrival.  Finding huge ice crystals, gnomes homes and good ol’ rock throwing (nothing …