Autumn Leaves

Leaves in the air, Fall colours everywhere. What on earth could we use these leaves for? We had at least 3 ideas, maybe more! Providing camouflage to hide our treasures, Running like chipmunks, it was not a day of leisure. Creating magic wands that cast spells, Transformed us into frogs, trees, a painted turtle shell. …

Suns out, Funs out!

The sun was out and so were the critters, both the children and the animals that is! We worked on finding stillness and sharpening our senses while playing camouflage, skills that came in handy while searching for life in the forest later on. A salamander, toads, many caterpillars and bugs, and even two pileated woodpeckers …

Back to the Forest!

Welcome Meaford family and friends! Blue skies welcomed us to Memorial Park today, where old and new faces had the opportunity to explore the park together. While the playground adjacent to the school building offered a fun opportunity to begin building peer relations in the early morning, it was the forest that offered up it’s …

Birds and More!

Hey Folks! It’s been another awesome few weeks at our Meaford Forest School! We’ve been enjoying our time exploring in our forest – plenty of imaginative and recapulative play. Students always enjoy taking on the roles of various hunter and gathers, climbing trees, hiding in our shelters, and moving around like all sorts of forest …

A New Beginning…

Hi Folks! What a great kick off to our Meaford Program! We spent these beautiful days becoming familiar with the lay of the land and getting to know our new group of friends. We have already established a wonderful, fun loving sense of community, who are keen on spending entire days outside learning from (and …