What do Turkey Nests, Sun Fires, Snapping Turtles and Leeks have in common?…

…Forest School!! Hey Everyone, This week the classes learned all about Ecosystems.  After our core routines, we started off by coming up with a working definition of what Ecosystems are and how they connect all over the world.  It was awesome to lean on the prior-knowledge of our students – we’ve got a clever bunch! …

Take chances, make mistakes, get messy

Hi Everyone! This week at Forest School we looked at our Eco System, and tied in some fun games along the way! It also brought opportunities for new discoveries, and an activity we haven’t done since last September, frog hunting! After our morning routines, our day started with an intense football game to get our …

Every child is an artist

Hi Friends! “Creativity is contagious, pass it on” – Albert Einstein This week at Forest school, it was a student-led emergent day full of creativity.  It was amazing to watch how the day unfolded through team-building activities that strived towards working together, communication and memory. Our students worked both individually and together to construct a …

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot…

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot… …nothing is going to get better.  It’s not.” Some wise words from Dr. Seuss which led to a lengthy discussion this week, after a reading and a dramatic interpretation of “The Lorax”.   It was the perfect story to build our day around: Trees, trees and more …

Learning Blocks and Compasses

Hey Folks, Another fun-filled week of productive play and learning at Forest School, with a special contribution from Collingwood’s Healthy Kids Community Challenge who brought us their mobile Imagination Playground. We spent a solid portion of our day working collaboratively using the block-based system to build, smash and recreate various castles, towers, bird’s eye views …