“We’ve seen so much growth. She has learned so much that we could never have taught her ourselves. We go for hike – she eats food in the forest. It’s been fabulous.”
– FSFNS Parent
“They LOVE it and bring back so many great stories. They share what they have learned and I wish all kids could learn this way.”
– FSFNS Parent
“Mom, I feel like I am in a dream because it is just so much fun.”
– FSFNS Student, Age 5
“I like going on adventures, and well, I like that we go outside!”
– FSFNS Student, Age 8
“The lessons [he] has learned over the years with Forest School have been very present in our new home school life. Our daily bike rides or hikes are always filled with the fun facts he remembers and I am so grateful that he developed such a keen appreciation for nature and outdoor learning. It has really helped him adjust in these uncertain times.”
FSFNS Parent
“If only school was like this everywhere! It’s a fantastic respite from traditional institutional education for our Grade 5. The school boards would be wise to look into giving credit to these wonderful environmental learning schools.”
– FSFNS Parent
“We’d like to thank you for the very best school years [our son] has ever had, he matured so much and absorbed so much information from his FS teachers and classmates. You helped us to restore [his] confidence and communication skills which I will never forget. I truly wish you all the best in FS, it’s been a life changer for us.”
-FSFNS Parent