Support our Community
We need your help! We rely on donations and sponsorships to help eliminate barriers to participation in our programs.

When we were young, we played outdoors all the time. Nature was part of our daily worlds, as it was for all our friends. Trees were towers to be climbed, bushes were secret hideouts, and ponds were for catching frogs. If you think back, you may be able to relate to this in some way. And though those woods and green spaces are gone now we are the teachers, naturalists and people we are today because of those magical days of play and friendship outdoors.
Our kids need this more than ever now.
We believe access to the natural world and Nature Connection programs should be available to everyone – in fact it’s part of our mission. However we also know that there are deep rooted barriers to access for some folks. We can’t do it alone and humbly ask you to help us overcome some of these obstacles.
By sponsoring our programs you will be giving back to our community and investing in its future at a level that matters deeply. Education is the basis for a thriving community, and our programs allow children to foster healthy connections and sustainability practices right here in Southern Georgian Bay. The sponsorship of a single student can have a huge and lasting positive impact on a child’s life. In turn the benefits of our programs extend into their social life, and continue to grow in our community.
How to get involved
Strong Roots
Business Sponsorship
Each year, we invite 12 local businesses to become our “Strong Root” sponsors. Each business contributes 1/12th of the cost of a yearly tuition for a student. As a show of gratitude for your generous contributions, each business is highlighted as a “Strong Root Community Sponsor” for a 1 month period throughout the year. You get a prominent hyperlink logo on our website stating that you are a community sponsor as well as Facebook and social media posts and mentions, and a shout out in our newsletter. After the month, you will be added as a past sponsor/supporter on our website.
The total cost of this is $200. We appreciate your involvement in our wonderful community and if this is something your business may be interested in, please click below!
and Wild
Private Donations
We are forever grateful to our private donors who have already changed the life of so many kids out there. You can pay it forward for families and young people who see value in our programs. Thank you in advance! Give the gift of Nature connection.
Online Auction
Our Young and Wild auction raises funds for our tuition reduction programs and highlights local businesses and their products and services.
This is our most important fundraiser of the year!