Hey Folks,
We loved exploring the fall colours with our cameras this week! Students had the opportunity to learn a few photography tricks: Get Close, Point of View, Leading Lines, Rule of Thirds and Natural Framing (and looked at “Fill the Space”, “Limb Chopping”, and “Negative Space” for those interested in more techniques on Friday!) After our morning routines, we practiced some of these techniques through various missions and scavenger hunts. Then with cameras in hand, we ventured out back to the far end of our site – Maple Maple Forest and Fossil Mountain. Students loved moving leisurely through the land, slowing down to capture all of the things that we generally walk on by!
It was so interesting to watch the students see the world from another perspective and through a different lens – like an ant or a worm. Or stop completely in their tracks to examine lichen growing, flowers still in bloom, or small beads of water collected on the maples leaves! Children weren’t afraid to get down and dirty to get the perfect shot either! Tree limbs next to the bright blue sky, the underside of a log, reflections in the water – you name it! There were so many awesome photos. You can see for yourself by clicking here!
During some unstructured time, students had the opportunity to create their own natural picture frames, use tools for projects, build and dismantle their own creations with our loose parts (we love the cooperative learning that unfolds here!) or run (skip, cartwheel, roll, fly etc!) around with their friends.
Toward the end of most days, we spent some time in various sheltered “campsites”. Students enjoyed spending time making shelters and vine swings, skipping stones into the water, or simply just building and feeding a fire. It was a good way to warm up and a nice way to end our time together! Thanks to those who brought in a camera to use! And a special shout out to everyone for being so respectful when using the equipment and gear!
Check out our class photo’s: (except Thursday – we were having too much fun and forgot to take one!)
We also have a “professional” photo of each student with a cool nature background (like this one). Email us if you’d like a copy of your child’s! (Again, except for Friday this time as we were out exploring and we forgot, we’ll try this week!)
Next week: FIELD TRIP – Caving!
We will be going to Metcalfe Rock next week to explore some of our favourite caves! The caves are cold and can be quite wet, so please wear lots of layers (including hats, mitts and boots). Rain coat/pants are ideal! If you are on the Tuesday class, feel free to wear your Halloween Costume, or paint your face! But remember to layer it under your rain gear if possible so it doesn’t get too dirty!
See you soon,
Kim, Matt and Tamara
More Pics: