Climbing, Paddling and Homemade Glue

Hey Folks!  We’ve been busy playing outside. Here’s a recap of the last few weeks!


We love exploring our extended backyard and our older students ventured off on a field trip to the Beaver River.  We had some amazing weather systems – both warm and wet! – that challenged us along the way.   We learned about water/river safety, paddling skills and most importantly had fun connecting with our classmates on the water.   Our oldest students had the chance to do some kayaking as well!


Speaking of our amazing “backyard”, we also headed out to Metcalfe Rock for our annual Rock Climbing trip with our older groups.  Students pushed their limits and reached for the skies as they ascended this ancient rock!


Bygone days continues to be alive with Birds and we’ve been treated to watching many different species of birds build their nests, defend their territories and raise little babies.   As we tune in more to Bird Language, our world is opening up!

Homemade Glue

It’s easier (and stickier) than you think!  Some folks had the opportunity to make homemade pine pitch glue (pine resin, beeswax and ground up coals) over the fire.  We used it to make some pretty rad arrows and spears!

“Spirit Bear” (aka Bear Bear, AKA Cuddles)

We’ve got a new addition to our crew that you may have heard of.   Earlier this Spring we were given a special Bear to take on our journeys and to catch and listen to all our stories.   This was passed on by a friend (thanks Lori!) after she received it from a Cree Elder for work she has done with Indigenous youth.   Spirit Bear has had a huge impact for some of our students and has paddled the Beaver River, climbed at Metcalfe and followed us just about everywhere.  Our students have even outfitted him in complete rain suits on the wetter days!

Reptiles, Amphibians and More!

There’s maybe nothing in the world that gets the kids more excited than heading out net in hand to capture some critters.  We’ve seen it all this year, from damselfly nymphs and water scorpions, to frogs, toads and turtles.  We’ve even observed/caught a few new-to-us species on our property – spring peepers, gray tree frogs and snapping turtles!

Wild Edibles

As the Spring rolls on, we encounter more and more delicious wonders of the Forest.  Stay tuned parents – we’ve got a workshop coming up for you that will help you chow down alongside your nature kids!

And of course, there’s so much more, but too much to sum up in a simple little blog.


Your FNS Crew


Tinkering Around

Hey Folks!

What do you do when your brother is moving and delivers you a trailer full of good, usable wood?  Well, it turns out the answer is a lot!  Students imaginations ran wild this week as we set them loose (so to speak – tool-use is an integral part at FNS, but we do have guidelines!) and their creations came to life.  We had gardens built, benches, boats (both small and kid size), docks, tables and much more.  Epic wooden forts were created; hammers, butter knives and figurines were carved; and even a bat box was built and hung up in Maple Forest.

As the days unfolded, our students shifted their focus to community building, and more specifically figuring out what could be built or created to better our time at Forest School.  Some students remade our main fire pit to include cardinal directions (and a new fire pit in Mysterious Forest).  Others uncovered the need of a new bridge in Maple Forest and were fast to work.  One student even recognized the need to clean up our river after the big rains and all the trash that had been swept down it.   There’s more stories along the same lines, but the point is that we are seeing one of our key “indicators of awareness” coming into play:  service to the community.   It’s one way our students show us they understand that they are an important part of a greater community, and they are wanting to support one another.  It’s a great feeling on our end!

As usual, throw in our core routines to the mix, some play, some adventure, some mud, some rain, some sun,  some hammock time, some ukulele and new songs, and a delicious Wild Violet Jelly (recipe to follow soon!) and call it a week well spent!

A big shout out to our PA Day program – we had a blast exploring and discovering with you!

Kim, Matt, Michelle and Krista