Hi Friends!
“Creativity is contagious, pass it on” – Albert Einstein
This week at Forest school, it was a student-led emergent day full of creativity. It was amazing to watch how the day unfolded through team-building activities that strived towards working together, communication and memory.
Our students worked both individually and together to construct a masterpiece of art from natural products as well as with man-made materials. Did I mention there was a lot of mud involved?
This was a great day for our kids to be as creative as they could!
Check it out!
The fog was amazing this morning and while we were sitting quietly across from the Beaver River, we spotted a Blue Heron hunting for his breakfast.
We hunted down our natural paint brushes, paint (wild grapes, blueberries, and crab apples) and objects to stick onto our artwork (leaves, cedar scales and grass).
One of our team-building activities was the create our favourite animals out of pipe cleaners. Some of our creations were a Wolf, Thunderbird, Salamander and Octopus.
Another activity that was completed was “The Maze”. Communication and memory was the name of the game!
Our students creating their art with natural paint brushes, mud, rocks, wood cookies and cold ash from the fire pit.
“The Village”. This was created by all students and everyone had their job. Some students worked on concrete (water and mud), digging holes, building homes and roping off future development.
Some of the artwork our students created today!
Today was an amazing muddy day full of adventure and creativity.
Great job Taven and Jack for starting their first fire without any help! What amazing stories we had around the fire as well, so make sure you ask your child what story they told. This meant we gave away our first Storytelling beads! Great job everyone!
Next Week – We are going to be looking into Environmental Science.
Thanks for stopping by,
Check out our bonus pictures of our mud monsters!